As we celebrate our 10th anniversary this year, we are celebrating 10 years of serving and empowering women. 10 years of saving lives, inspiring hope and compassion, and following God’s call to love the mother and protect the child. Looking forward to this year, we have so much in store as our mission continues and our vision grows. Here are all the exciting plans for Save the Storks this 2022!
1. Building MORE Stork Buses
This year, we will see the most significant expansion of our mobile medical units since the inception of our ministry! In 2022, we plan on adding 20 NEW Stork Buses to our fleet. We are reassigning three pre-owned units that will go to markets where the need is greatest.

2. Helping more Pregnancy Resource Centers
Last year, we launched our partnership program to provide essential support and services to pregnancy resource centers around the country. We initially had a goal of signing up 24 PRCs, but due to overwhelming demand, our team processed 35 applications! In 2022, our goal is to sign up and launch 40 new pregnancy resource center partners. Learn more about our partnership program.

3. Partnering with Pro-life ministries and organizations
Another exciting plan for Save the Storks is the many pro-life ministries we anticipate partnering with in 2022. It has been a huge blessing to join forces with other regional and national pro-life organizations over the past year. We will continue this effort this year and beyond. In the past 12 months, Save the Storks has launched a pilot with a ministry that serves women who need support parenting. Many mothers considering abortion do so because they are unable to parent for financial or other reasons. Organizations like Lifeline Children’s Services and Hope’s Promise are just two of the amazing partners we have within our Adoption campaign. We plan to work with several other organizations this year to continue these efforts in mission critical markets.

4. Providing MORE ways to get involved and informed
It will be a busy year for Save the Storks with events happening every month! We’ve already begun screening the in-depth documentary on the history of pro-life vs. pro-choice, Matter of Life, at several local churches. Your Impact for Life is happening virtually this year where we’ll share all our milestones and the impact our supporters have made. We are so excited to have the opportunity of speaking at highly attended conferences this year in different states! Major ones including Extraordinary Women’s Conference and Ignite Men’s Conference. Our Pro-life Innovator’s Summit is happening once again where we’re awarding a $10,000 grant to a new pro-life ministry! And of course, our annual Stork Ball takes place this April as we celebrate our 10th year anniversary!

5. Creating more learning opportunities and resources
This year more than ever before, Save the Storks aims to create a meaningful and loving conversation about what it means to be pro-life. We want to equip not only church leaders but everyone with the right language to speak confidently about these topics with the help of our resources. Our 30-day devotional, Reimagining Pro-life: 30 Days with Save the Storks is already live on the Bible app (YouVersion). It’s also available for download on our website. Through our Church Partnership program, we are launching a video starter course to train church leaders on how to reach and empower women in an unplanned pregnancy to choose life. The release of Unplanned Grace was a huge success––ranking at #75 on the Amazon best sellers list for its category. This year, we’ll continue to promote the book through webinars, podcasts, and more materials!

6. Getting the word out there
Before a woman even sees a Stork Bus, she usually learns about our support through stories and facts posted on our social media accounts. In order to get the word out there, we want to hone our awareness and marketing efforts. With compelling campaigns, our message can be received by so many more abortion-vulnerable women, and people in general. Just an idea of how much it costs to execute a successful marketing campaign: Planned Parenthood spent an estimate of $300,000 a week in December. It is vital that we continue to create relevant content that teenagers and young women can easily find on Google and social media.

We have so much planned for this year and are eager to see them all come to fruition. If you’re reading this, it means you have been such an important part of our efforts. We hope to continue partnering with you! There are several ways in which you can help us according to the list above. In point #1 alone, your support is crucial! We urgently need funds to purchase five Stork Bus chassis: the frame of our buses that will be prepped for customization. Having these purchased and at our production facilities will ensure we can speed up the delivery times to communities that desperately need a Stork Bus.
How you can be part of our 2022 plans
Please pray about how you, your family, and your church can financially support one or more of these initiatives. This year, when Roe could realistically be overturned, we need your help. You see, while federal law could prohibit abortions, each state has the power to legalize abortions. These states are where we must have a strong presence with Stork Buses strategically placed. Pregnancy Resource Centers that are trained, well-equipped, and available for every woman. This year, let’s continue serving and empowering women, saving lives, protecting mothers and children, and inspiring hope and compassion everywhere we go and with everything we do!