Now more than ever, Save the Storks is committed to its mission of creating a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unintended pregnancy. Today, join us in praying for women who may be feeling pressured to rush into an abortion. Pray for all the Stork Buses parked outside of abortion clinics – pray for their safety and for them to intervene with women making a quick abortion decision. Pray for life-affirming organizations, ministries, and pregnancy resource centers that are at the frontlines in this fight for life.
As we wait for the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v Wade, we want to reemphasize that Save the Storks is not only pro-life, but we are also pro-love, pro-woman, and pro-solution. It is crucial that we continue to be a voice for the voiceless. We continue to empower women to choose life for themselves and their babies. That we communicate truth and love: We are for every woman. We stand for moms. We care about the mother just as much as the baby.
During this sensitive and urgent time, be part of supporting women, moms, and unborn lives by praying, volunteering, or donating. Share our message of hope and empowerment with others. It is important for us all to show compassion and speak with love. Your support, in whatever capacity, is needed now more than ever, for Save the Storks and for the pro-life movement.
If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, we are here for you. We believe that you are brave and strong enough to face this. We care about you, are praying for you, and walking next to you.