Can you imagine what an online chat between a 14-year-old seeking an abortion and Planned Parenthood would be like?

This is just a glimpse of an online chat between our staff member and Planned Parenthood’s 24/7 chat with a ‘Health Educator.’ Our staff member posed as a 14-year-old girl in California in the chat.
To further investigate how their customer service would be on the phone, one of our staff member’s daughters also posed as a 14-year-old. Planned Parenthood has a specific call line for teenagers 17 or under.
When the teen let the representative know her mom couldn’t know about her pregnancy or abortion, her response was shocking. She responded, “You don’t have to inform your parents or involve your parents at all. We can keep it confidential.”
This is the kind of “care” a teen encounters when they reach out to the Planned Parenthood teen call line.
Life Affirming 24/7 Chat
When a woman calls Planned Parenthood, the voice on the other line is a customer service representative and nothing more. To counterbalance the influence of pro-abortion platforms, there’s a need for comprehensive resources in the life-affirming movement. This is why we’re introducing 24/7 life-affirming chat through Infinite Worth and our platform For Every Woman.
Infinite Worth is a nonprofit organization that provides immediate support and information to women facing unplanned pregnancies. It’s a 24-hour online chat so women can access compassionate and educated help when they need it most.
When a woman calls Infinite Worth, the nurses on the line are trained to have hard conversations about abortion, unplanned pregnancies, and abortion pill reversal. With resources like these, women get the care they deserve 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So someone is always there for them in the unexpected moments.
Planned Parenthood’s Biased Support
Planned Parenthood targets teens with their marketing and language. A teenage girl facing an unplanned pregnancy in search of resources is very likely to come upon the Planned Parenthood 24/7 online chat. They might speak to someone like ‘Finley,’ whom our staff member spoke to in this chat.

On top of this, online pharmacy resources like Hey Jane cite Planned Parenthood in regard to underage abortion pill rights by the state, which is detailed on their resource page.
This is why we are working to create a holistic approach to women’s healthcare, implementing the key elements that will create equal access to motherhood for all women.
The Rise of Online Abortion Services
Recent reports, including one by the New York Times, highlight the increasing use of online services for abortions. According to the study done by nationwide count, 1 in 6 abortions was done through pills prescribed by online resources. Platforms like Plan C and Abortion Finder offer pills without the need for in-person medical supervision, presenting significant risks, especially for minors.
The accessibility of abortion pills now contrasts with regulations on other over-the-counter medications. Cough medicine, for instance, requires an ID proving the patient is at least 18 years or older. Whereas now, a minor could access dangerous pills that end a life without so much as a doctor’s visit.
Life-Affirming Online Chat
Many people reflect on their teenage years and recall decisions they might later regret. However, as abortion websites expand access for teenagers, there’s a concern that a rising generation may find themselves regretting medical choices that were thrust upon them. These are decisions that perhaps should never have been theirs to make in the first place.
At Save the Storks, in partnership with Infinite Worth and our online platform For Every Woman, we are dedicated to reaching teenagers before abortion clinics do. We are offering support, compassion, and information that can change lives forever.
Want to partner with us and support moms with real choice? Donate today!