Facing Her Third Trimester Alone, Maddie Found Hope in Our MMC

Author: Save the Storks
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It was a beautiful day in Los Banos when the mobile medical clinic (MMC) was parked at a church. The day was slow at first, but the staff on board waited in anticipation. Moments later, a woman named Maddie found the MMC and stepped inside.  

A Young Pregnant Woman in Need of Support

Maddie, a young woman around 20 years old, approached the MMC with a heavy heart. Maddie was a single immigrant and a first-time mother in her third trimester. She had arrived in the United States only a week earlier.

Although she knew she was pregnant and in her third trimester, she hadn’t received any medical care since the move. On top of this, she had no support from the father of her baby. Maddie approached the MMC with the one person who was supporting her pregnancy: her godmother. Without any health insurance and limited support, Maddie was worried about having her baby. She turned to our MMC, looking for hope.

More Than a Healthcare Professional

At this moment, Maddie didn’t need just another healthcare professional. She needed a caring supporter who would listen to her story and encourage her in her third trimester. This is how our nurses and client advocates go above and beyond for each woman who steps into our MMCs.

After hearing Maddie’s story, Krista, a nurse on board, performed a pregnancy test, which came back positive. Shoshana, an RN on board, informed Maddie of the result, provided prenatal vitamins, and discussed fetal development. Shoshana then offered Maddie an ultrasound. She saw the excitement for an ultrasound on Maddie and her grandmother’s faces.

How a Delay Created a Beautiful Moment

Shoshana, RN, stood ready to perform the ultrasound with Maddie on the exam table and her expectant godmother waiting on the couch. While they waited for the ultrasound, Shoshana shared how she serendipitously connected with her now husband, who was the man of her dreams.

She reassured Maddie that God could still provide her with the right husband in the future and encouraged her that this child would not always be fatherless.

After this, the ultrasound was performed. The screen showed a big, healthy baby moving around, bringing relief and joy to Maddie and her godmother.

What Sets Our MMCs Apart

When a woman like Maddie steps on board one of our MMCs, she receives not only practical medical support but also a warm welcome filled with compassion and hope. This is what sets our MMCs and amazing partners apart from the rest. Each woman who steps onto our MMC is treated as a unique individual with a story that needs to be heard. She is shown the compassion needed to make a choice for life. She’s given practical medical support and the empowerment to choose life and change her story.

Get Involved

Do you want to help empower more women like Maddie? Donate or become a monthly partner and help us create more stories of hope and empowerment for women nationwide.

Read how our Mobile Medical Clinic changed Michelle’s story.


We hope this article enlightened and inspired you to stand up for life.

Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortions are still prevalent in our nation. As a response to the overturning, the media: from the news to entertainment sources to even political figures and celebrities, have pushed abortion as an ongoing agenda, shaping the way this generation thinks and acts. Misinformation is being spread every day, and people are sadly believing the lies.

Our articles and stories aim to tell one thing: the truth.

We know that it is both a blessing and a challenge to understand the reality of abortion, because knowledge incites belief, and belief incites action. But we’re in this together. We believe that we can make abortion unthinkable.

With your support, we look forward to a future where young women are empowered to fight for their own rights: a right to bring life into the world, to be fearless leaders, to be examples of hope, strength, and undeterred resilience. We look forward to a future where life can happen.

If this article strengthened your belief to reach women everywhere with the truth and to let life happen, then please consider helping us extend our reach by making a gift right now. Your gift of just $10 or $20 helps our mission to create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

We aim to create a culture that views “pro-life” as equivalent to having empathy and compassion, providing holistic care (before and beyond pregnancy) and education, and most importantly, choosing to speak and act in love. We are pro-life, pro-love, pro-woman, pro-solution.

Don’t just be part of the movement, be part of the solution, and give today.