By Charlotte Pence Bond
When it comes to politics in America, it’s easy to become discouraged. The online media landscape seems to have endless examples of why the country is not in a healthy place due to the division of values and priorities. Even within one’s own chosen political party, there often seem to be disagreements that create tension and confusion. However, the pro-life movement is still strong, even when the politics surrounding it are disheartening.
Pro-Life: A Movement Beyond Politics
The pro-life cause is not reliant on one political candidate or one political party. It is a movement that began when people all over the world took a stand and said that the killing of innocent lives is wrong. The first March for Life was held in Washington, D.C., in 1974, a year after the Roe v. Wade ruling. For decades, pro-life activists have continued to bring the message of life to those who find themselves in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy, all with an increasingly stronger tone of love and understanding.

Changing Culture, Not Just Politics
As others have pointed out, politics is not the place in which to put our hope for pro-life success. The changing of minds and the shifting of culture will take time. I have enjoyed watching the message of the pro-life community turn into one of encouragement, inspiring women to become mothers while embracing other life goals. The movement has spoken out against the lie that pregnancy and motherhood will get in the way of a woman’s dreams and deter her from success. It has informed women of the reality of what abortion is and the danger it can be to the mother’s health – mentally, physically, and emotionally. It has provided healing resources for women who have experienced the heartbreak of abortion.
Hope for the Future
As I look to November, I am hopeful. I am hopeful because of the outrage on the part of so many Republicans when the national party’s platform’s stance on abortion was altered. I’m hopeful because of my belief that they won’t put up with it. I’m hopeful because the pro-life movement has had many setbacks and experienced many political losses, but it has survived. Not only did it survive for decades, but it accomplished the goal of overturning the decision of Roe v. Wade and allowing states to make their own laws concerning abortion. I’m hopeful because pro-life activists did not sit back when they saw this victory and instead continue to push for change that will truly help mothers, fathers, and children during their time of need.
The Real Work: Beyond Politics
Even though political decisions directly impact the prevalence of abortion, politics is not the most important part of the pro-life movement.

Real-world victories are where true change happens. The people who carry out on-the-ground work in pregnancy centers and medical clinics, who encourage women to choose life, know that while abortion is legal, the politics surrounding it don’t matter to a woman choosing between having her baby or having an abortion. During the life-altering moment of a woman discovering an unplanned pregnancy, politics is the last thing on her mind. This is where the pro-life movement will continue to have its most direct and meaningful impact – at the moment when they can embrace a mother, encourage her, and offer a helping hand.
The Ongoing Mission
The political stance of one party is important because it impacts abortion, but pro-life activists know that this person-to-person interaction will always be necessary, no matter what political position is winning at the time. Encouraging women to give their babies life and embrace motherhood is a task that will never go away, and fighting against a culture that discourages women from becoming mothers will always be a worthwhile goal.

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