Save the Storks Shares Truth About Harmful Effects of Abortion in United States with New Video Featuring Life-Saving Mobile Medical Clinics

Author: Save the Storks
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Colorado Springs, CO – September 25, 2024 – When organizers of the Democratic National Convention boasted about a Planned Parenthood van providing free abortions last month, the CEO at Save the Storks was saddened, but not surprised. It was a little over a year ago when she learned that the abortion provider copied their state-of-the-art mobile medical clinics, down to the security system. But what the abortion van, where a reported 30 women obtained abortions at the DNC in Chicago, was missing was the ultrasound machine, a “vital tool throughout all stages of pregnancy.” (NIH, J Clin Med, March 2024.)

It is on a Save the Storks Mobile Medical Clinic, also called a “Stork Bus,” where a woman receives maternal healthcare from a licensed medical professional, including a no-cost ultrasound.

“Our national non-profit ministry, Save the Storks, has delivered 103 mobile medical clinics in 32 states across America,” said Diane Ferraro, CEO at Save the Storks. “When a woman steps on board one of these state-of-the-art mobile medical clinics, she is met with a medical team that offers her a pregnancy test, an ultrasound, and STI testing, all at no cost. Our Save the Storks mobile medical clinics bridge the gap between women and the local pregnancy clinic, so they can access quality healthcare no matter where they are.”

Women are being offered up to $7,500 to travel out of state to get an abortion. Over 60% of abortions performed in the United States are done using the abortion pill. The Pivotal Foundation recently committed a $1 billion grant to a fund that will in part pay for abortions. What is being ignored amidst the political narrative and celebrities like Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Octavia Spencer, George Clooney, and Oprah Winfrey advocating for pro-abortion candidates is that teenagers and women are buying into the lie that abortion is healthcare.

The tragedy of abortion is two-fold: it takes the life of the baby, and the woman faces physical pain and emotional trauma.

Save the Storks new video shares the hope and support a woman finds when she steps on board a Mobile Medical Clinic. A young woman named Jasmine shares her story of how other people told her not to have her child. It was the Save the Storks Mobile Medical Clinic outside the abortion clinic that provided truth and inspired her to choose life for her baby.

Watch the Save the Storks Mobile Medical Clinic video here:

About Save the Storks Save the Storks is a national nonprofit faith-based ministry dedicated to empowering women with the resources and support they need to make informed decisions about their pregnancies. Through compassionate care, innovative programs, and community outreach, Save the Storks aims to transform the lives of women and families across the nation.

Media Contact:
Kristin Giddings
Media Liaison
Save the Storks
[email protected]

Diane Ferraro
Chief Executive Officer
Save the Storks
[email protected]


We hope this article enlightened and inspired you to stand up for life.

Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortions are still prevalent in our nation. As a response to the overturning, the media: from the news to entertainment sources to even political figures and celebrities, have pushed abortion as an ongoing agenda, shaping the way this generation thinks and acts. Misinformation is being spread every day, and people are sadly believing the lies.

Our articles and stories aim to tell one thing: the truth.

We know that it is both a blessing and a challenge to understand the reality of abortion, because knowledge incites belief, and belief incites action. But we’re in this together. We believe that we can make abortion unthinkable.

With your support, we look forward to a future where young women are empowered to fight for their own rights: a right to bring life into the world, to be fearless leaders, to be examples of hope, strength, and undeterred resilience. We look forward to a future where life can happen.

If this article strengthened your belief to reach women everywhere with the truth and to let life happen, then please consider helping us extend our reach by making a gift right now. Your gift of just $10 or $20 helps our mission to create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

We aim to create a culture that views “pro-life” as equivalent to having empathy and compassion, providing holistic care (before and beyond pregnancy) and education, and most importantly, choosing to speak and act in love. We are pro-life, pro-love, pro-woman, pro-solution.

Don’t just be part of the movement, be part of the solution, and give today.