Learn how non-cash giving can reach more women and save more lives!
There are many ways to give. All gifts are tax deductible.

Stocks and Bonds
Shares of publicly traded securities owned for at least a year can be transferred to Save the Storks: stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

Retirement Assets
Make a charitable distribution from a qualified retirement plan, such as an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b).

Legacy Gifts
With legacy giving options like life insurance, bequests, or proceeds from an estate, your support for Save the Storks can continue to help change lives even after you or a family member has passed.
Real Estate
A home, second home, commercial building, farm, or land can be donated to us for ultimate impact and tax savings.

Vehicle Donation
Donate your car through our Vehicle Donation Program in partnership with CARS at stsweb2dev.savethestorks.com/donate-your-car. Schedule the pickup and we’ll do the rest!
We accept tokens as donations, thanks to our cryptocurrency fundraising collaboration with Engiven!

Business Interests
Donate a percentage of closely held business shares before the sale of a business.
It’s the easiest way to donate! By check, credit card, or directly online.