The Church’s Role in After–Abortion Recovery
By Katie Doryland
According to a national study from CareNet, approximately 4 in 10 women who have terminated a pregnancy were churchgoers at the time of their abortion.
Additionally, in a study done by the Pew Research Center, “just 4 percent of sermons shared on U.S. church websites in the spring of 2019 discussed abortion even once.” In fact, many pastors avoid the subject completely for fear of being too political or not being equipped enough to speak on the topic. As a result, many men and women who have experienced abortion sit silently in their grief at church.
We spoke with Victoria Robinson, a former pregnancy center executive director who knows the pain of abortion personally, on this issue. She leads after-abortion recovery programs and is passionate about equipping the church to reach post-abortive men and women with help and healing.
Tell us about after-abortion programs. Why are they important for both men and women?
I wholeheartedly support after-abortion recovery programs for men and women. They are unique to what post-abortive mothers and fathers have experienced and address these issues head-on. I truly believe these programs are a critical part of the healing process.
Why should the church get involved?
Post-abortive men and women are hurting and in pain. We must talk about this issue and offer the help they need to be whole again.
The church is supposed to function as a “hospital for the sick” to brings redemption, reconciliation, and healing to those in pain who are hurting from their past.
What better place to offer grace and mercy than the church?”
How can the church provide care for those experiencing grief after abortion?
When churches partner with pregnancy centers or offer recovery programs, they can help heal the brokenness that lingers in their congregation. Many churches have begun implementing grief counseling and after-abortion recovery programs for church members, which is a great start. Pregnancy centers also provide after-abortion recovery programs and Bible studies for those in their communities.
The church can be a beacon of hope and healing for men and women who are suffering in their grief.
For more resources, consider these study series:
Surrendering the Secret: Healing the Heartbreak of Abortion by Pat Layton
Her Choice to Heal: Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace after Abortion by Sydna Massé
Forgiven and Set Free: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women by Linda Cochrane
Healing a Father’s Heart: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Men by Linda Cochrane and Kathy Jones